Welcome to PDM Journey Coaching


If you find yourself here, you are unfortunately facing one of life’s biggest challenges… the health and well-being of your child, or the loss of your child.


At PDM Journey Coaching, I support you during this challenging time as you journey through the health and well-being of your child. During this isolating journey, you may feel overwhelmed with anger, fears, and frustration as your child struggles with a chronic illness or life-threatening circumstance. The emotional challenges of advocating and caring for your child can be lonely and uncertain as you may spend endless days and nights in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) waiting room. You are alone, without anyone to talk to or who can relate to your discomforts, pressures, and fears of making urgent, life-changing decisions for your child.


I want you to know, “You do not have to be alone. I am here to accompany you on the journey towards your child’s healing and yours.”

While my hopes and prayers are for your child to recover, return home, and live the life you imagined for them, sometimes we are given a different outcome. If you are the mom who experienced your beautiful child's devastating and unfortunate loss due to illnesses or unexpected circumstances, you do not have to feel alone. After the loss, you may experience anger, confusion, depression, and loneliness. You might even believe you are not entitled to be happy—ever again as you try to regain your strength and live life after losing your child; instead, you carry grief everywhere you go.

I need you to know, “I understand the longing of wanting your baby back and the sleepless nights and the morning struggles to get out of bed.”

I've walked the path you're on, experiencing the heartache of a life-threatening illness and the unimaginable loss of my daughter, Alicia. Your pain is familiar to me; I know the depths of your emotional struggle and your longing to have your precious child back. At this moment, it might feel like the darkness will never lift, but I want to offer you a glimmer of hope: "If you choose to see it, in time, there can be light at the other end of the tunnel."

Please, be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself the grace to take small steps forward, even when it feels like an impossible journey. And when you're ready, permit yourself to entertain the idea of making new decisions, of envisioning a different future.

If you are unsure which direction to take, please know you don't have to navigate this journey alone. I'm here to walk alongside you, offering support and guidance every step of the way. You are not alone in this.

Together, let’s discover a suitable pathway for you in supporting your chronically ill child or honoring and cherishing the memories of your little loved one.



Let's schedule a 30-minute call to explore new possibilities for your journey together.